A Guide to Tubectomy or Tubal Litigation

Tubal litigation is a surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy. It is performed during caesarian operation and is the best method for contraception for women in developing countries who have completed their family, according to an article by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. It can also be done as postpartum sterilization, postabortal litigation or simply as a combination with surgeries like myomectomy at top gynecology hospital.

The procedure cannot be usually reversed. But if required, one can undergo major surgery which involves rejoining two parts of the fallopian tubes. Post this; the pregnancy success rate is 70% -80% for women under 35. If you are planning to prevent fertilization permanently, here’s what you must know for an informed choice.

How Does Tubectomy Work?

In simple terms, it helps to prevent unfertilized eggs from travelling from the ovaries through the fallopian tubes. The process also blocks sperms from swimming through the tubes to the eggs. However, this does not change your hormones, bring about period or menopause or cause birth side effects like headaches and mood swings which birth control pills usually do.  However, you must know that that it does not protect against STDs.

How is Tubectomy Performed?

A tiny cut is made under the belly button. This gives a seamless access to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Now a needle is inserted to inflate the abdomen with nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide. Now, special instruments are inserted to cut, block or remove certain parts of the fallopian tube.  Mostly plastic rings or clips are used to ‘tie’ the tubes permanently. Make sure to get it done from a top hospital housing the best gynecologist in Bangalore. This will help you manage the post procedure effects too, if any.

Benefits of the Procedure

Along with stopping pregnancy, tubal litigation comes with a host of other advantages, such as:

  1. It is extremely safe and chances of major side effects are quite rare.
  2. You might see an improvement in your sex life since there is usually a positive change in sexual interest.
  3. You no longer have to worry about unwanted pregnancy and the consequences like major health risks that follow.
  4. Women with tubal litigation do not need any other type of birth control.
  5. Removal of fallopian tubes reduces the risks of ovarian cancer.

How to Prepare for Tubal Litigation?
The gynecology specialists might ask you the reason behind opting for the procedure. Further, they will also review the details, risks involved, benefits, failure probability if any and ways to prevent sexual diseases.  Consider using contraception at least a month before the procedure. Once done, you might have to stay in the hospital for 1-3 days. Most women are able to return to daily activities in about 1-2 weeks.

If you wish to get it done, start planning and preparing from the first trimester itself. This will offer enough time to rethink and take a sound decision post delivery. Further, in case you notice infection, mild spotting or pain, book an appointment immediately.

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