Some Basic Facts on Isotretinoin for Acne Treatment

Isotretinoin for acne treatment is the treatment a doctor prescribes when there is no other option left. It is a highly regarded oral medication coming with many safety warnings. Below are some basic facts on isotretinoin for acne treatment for your reference:

Serious Side Effects

The biggest concern of employing isotretinoin for acne treatment is that it can cause severe congenital disabilities. Therefore, female patients using the drug must take two forms of birth control. Other possible side effects include muscle and joint pain, elevated cholesterol, dry skin and lips, and thinning hair.

Must Visit Doctor Regularly

As isotretinoin has some significant risks, you are needed to see your doctor every month during your treatment. Discuss how your treatment is progressing and any changes you’ve noticed.

High Success Rate When Followed Correctly

Isotretinoin is an internal retinoid, a form of vitamin A, generally taken daily for a period of four to six months. Around 85 percent of the patients get clear skin after a course of treatment, given there is a proper intake.

Attacks Acne Four Ways

Isotretinoin fights all the four factors that cause acne: It reduces acne bacteria presence, decreases oil production, slows cell turnover within pores, and calms inflammation.

Avoid Laser, Waxing, And Other Skin Treatments

You may want to fast track your process to clear, healthy skin, but adding other treatments along with isotretinoin can be detrimental. It is best to avoid waxing, laser, and dermabrasion while on isotretinoin for the next six months after your treatment.

Acne Might Get Worse at First

The medication has a high success rate, but do not fret if there are no immediate results. It makes the acne worse the first few days, and it can take up to two months before you notice any positive changes.

Make Doctor Aware of Other Conditions

People with certain other conditions should be extra careful before considering isotretinoin. Also, make your doctor aware if any of your family members have a history of depression, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, eating disorder, high cholesterol, an intestinal disorder, osteoporosis etc.

Extra Sensitivity to Sunlight

Because your skin undergoes a significant overhaul from inside out, you are more sensitive to sunlight. Avoid long exposure to the sun, wear protective clothing, and use sunscreen to help prevent complications.

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