Delhi Weather Seems Unbearable During Pregnancy? Here’s How to Stay Cool

Delhi Weather Seems Unbearable During Pregnancy? Here's How to Stay Cool

When the core body temperature rises above 38.9oC, for beyond 10 minutes, it can lead to miscarriages or neural defects in the fetus. During pregnancy, the body temperature is usually higher than the normal. This is because of an increase in blood flow, heat generated by the baby and several hormonal changes in the body. In addition, the Delhi summers can heighten the discomfort, with the immense dry heat. You might face steady heat throughout or occasional hot flashes. While these are normal during pregnancy, the best gynaecologists in South Delhi suggest a few simple techniques to keep your temperature down.

1. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Body heat or not, make it a habit to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. When you are exercising or travelling, consider carrying water or juice with you. It helps regulate body temperature and release heat better. Electrolytes lost through sweat can also be replenished by drinking sufficient amounts of fluids.

2. Avoid Hot Foods and Beverages

Delhi summers often become unbearable particularly for mothers-to-be. Therefore, when it comes to snacking, make sure to stay away from food that can generate heat. For example, hot coffee or tea, soups, fruits like mangoes and apples and spicy foods. Also, cut down the consumption of garlic, onion and ginger, to keep the body temperature under control. Increase the consumption of kulfi, yogurt and soft ice-creams during pregnancy.

3. Stay Indoors

It is always advisable to avoid stepping out during the peak months of April, May and June. You might develop black or brown patches on your face, which become even darker in the sun. This is known as chloasma. Additionally, with an increase in body heat, there could be severe complications in fetal health. If at all you feel cooped up inside, carry water and wear breathable fabrics. Try not to step out during midday and the afternoon, when the sun is at its peak.

4. Consume Light Meals

During pregnancy, it is important to consume small portions. Large meals enhance the metabolism rate, which in turn increases body heat. Therefore, divide your meals throughout the day. This will help you stay full and energized in a healthy manner. The process of digestion also becomes easier.

5. Keep your Feet and Wrists Cold

One quick way to cool down the body temperature is to keep the feet cold. Place your feet in a tub of ice water and rest for at least 10-15 minutes. This is one of the most significant cooling spots to beat the heat. Keep your wrists cold by placing your hand under running water from time to time. The temperature of the pulse points dips immediately, cooling you down during Delhi the summers.

6. Comfortable Clothing

Lightweight clothes are known to help the sweat evaporate faster, thus cooling you down quickly. Wear light colored cotton outfits, which do not absorb heat. Stretchy pants and loose tee-shirts are the best, when it comes to pregnancy attire. Make sure the material is not synthetic and allows air flow.

If you are facing frequent hot flashes and shortness of breath, consult the best gynaecologist in South Delhi.

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