How Much Does A Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost In Dubai?

It is every person’s dearest wish – to have a six pack abdomen that looks and feels great. As a young person, you had an enviable figure that you were justifiably proud of. But as age and other life milestones got in the way, your body became slack and accumulated excess fat in certain areas.

The fat around your midsection is the bane of your life. Try as you might, you are unable to shift the fat with heavy exercise or a healthy diet. It sits there making you look dumpy and fat, and you have given up wearing form fitting clothes because you are embarrassed of your ‘spare tire’.

Have you considered getting a tummy tuck? It is a procedure many in Dubai have already undergone to fantastic results. This article gives you all the information you need to have about it.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and loose skin from the abdominal area. Also known as an ‘abdominoplasty’, it is done to improve the appearance of the abdomen. During the procedure, the doctor tightens the fascia or connective tissues in the abdominal region, and repositions the loose skin to make the tummy look more toned. The incisions are made around the lower abdominal walls and belly button.

You are first given an antibiotic to prevent infection during the procedure. Next, the surgeon makes incisions next to the pubic hair and the skin under your belly button in an oval shape. The fascia lying over the abdominal muscles is tightened with sutures. These sutures are permanent and hold the tuck in place.

After the sutures are in, the doctor repositions the skin around the belly button with another set of sutures. This involves moving the belly button slightly up and suturing it in place. Finally, the incisions are stitched together along the bikini line. This stitch is also permanent and leaves a visible scar along the bikini line.

Scores of people opt for a tummy tuck in Dubai’s premium clinics, to make their silhouette look better or to simply remove the excess fat for health reasons.

Do you need it?

People with flabby midsections often opt for the procedure. You may have loose skin, loose muscles, love handles and a general appearance of laxity in the area owing to:

  • One or more pregnancies
  • Genetic predisposition to excess weight
  • Sudden weight loss leading to excess loose skin
  • Extension of the rectus abdominus muscles
  • Stretch marks and scars on the abdomen due to injuries or surgeries
  • Liposuction done previously which has left loose skin in the abdominal area

If you have any of the above conditions, you may qualify for the tummy tuck procedure. However, your doctor can advise you on the further course of action or indeed, if you need the procedure at all. Not every person is a good candidate for it, such as:

  • Those planning to lose a lot of weight in the future via exercise and diet
  • Those planning a pregnancy
  • Those with pre-existing heart conditions, diabetes, kidney disease, etc.
  • Those who smoke
  • Those who have had a previous surgery in the abdominal area, which left scar tissue

Discuss your options in detail with your doctor before deciding on the surgery. If it is not recommended to go ahead with the tummy tuck, the doctor can recommend another method to lose the fat and loose skin.

Will it hurt?

The procedure itself does not hurt since it is performed under anaesthesia. However, you must follow strict post-procedure care to avoid infection by sepsis. The treated area might feel ‘pulled’ every time you stand up or even gently stretch your back. This feeling lasts for a few days to a few weeks, and will dissipate over time. It is better to rest as much as you can after the procedure, taking care to keep the feet elevated. However, you must balance the periods of rest with gentle walking, to keep the treated area ‘active’ and help it settle properly.

You must also eat healthy, non-fattening food to retain the effects of the procedure.

Are there risks?

There are certain risks if adequate care is not taken during the post-procedure stage. These include:

  • Scarring: The incision from the procedure is permanent and visible. However, the doctor makes the incision along the bikini line and it may be a small to medium-sized one.
  • Tissue damage: The fatty tissue deep under the skin might get damaged during, or as a result of, the procedure. It may heal slowly on its own. If it does not, it begins to die and must be removed by a separate procedure.
  • Fluid build-up under the skin: Known as ‘seroma’, fluid accumulation may occur on the site under the skin. The doctor will counteract this by leaving in drainage taps/tubes to remove the excess fluid from time to time.
  • Skin sensation changes: The abdominal tissues are repositioned as part of the procedure, and this might affect the nerves in the treated area and even in the thighs. In the days following the tummy tuck, you might feel some numbness in the skin in these areas. This feeling should disappear in a few days, or your doctor might need to take a scan to check the problem.

How much does it cost in Dubai?

The tummy tuck is an expensive surgery, with starting costs of about AED 30,000. The cost is determined by:

  • The clinic performing the procedure
  • The skill and expertise of the doctor
  • Recovery room costs
  • Your health profile and associated risks
  • Post-procedure care sessions (if required)

You can discuss the costs with your doctor and check with your insurer if the procedure is covered by your health plan. Above all, do take all the discussions about risk and benefits on board before arriving at a definite decision to undergo the procedure or not.

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