Do You Have Trichomonas Vaginitis Infection?

Trichomonas Vaginitis is a disorder where one-celled parasites reside in the vagina, the cervix, or in male’s lower genital tract. If you look at it under a microscope, this protozoan appears like a teardrop-shaped cell with a tail. Women with trichomonas vaginitis commonly have accompanying discharge or irritation.

From time to time the cervix can become infected, which may cause bleeding after intercourse or at the time a Pap smear is taken. In a few cases, patients will notice discomfort when urinating. In a majority of cases, bacterial vaginosis coexists with this infection because the trichomonas vaginitis protozoan creates an alkaline pH in the vagina that encourages the growth of the “bad” bacteria.

If this is the case, the patient may also notice a fishy odor, particularly after intercourse. Fortunately, Trichomonas Vaginitis has no significant medical risks. It doesn’t travel up into the uterus or fallopian tubes nor does it infect other parts of the body. It is nothing but mean frustration.

Trichomonas Vaginitis Symptoms

Around half of all women with Trichomonas present no symptoms and may go undiagnosed for years, even if they have been followed up with regular annual examinations. Condoms are mandatory if you want protection against this infection.

Trichomonas Causes

Trichomonas, aka “trich” (pronounced “trick”), is a sexually transmitted condition. If you know for sure that your relationship is monogamous and have come down with Trichomonas, you may be wondering which implications you can expect. Although Trichomonas Vaginitis can live in the male genital tract, it cannot survive for more than a few days or weeks at most.

But in the vagina it can live for years, and has even been found in elderly women who have not had intercourse for decades. As a matter of fact you may have contracted theinfection from a previous partner without knowing it. Nevertheless, it’s mandatory that you have an open, honest dialog with your current partner, as it may even be possible that he passed on the infection to you if he was sexually involved with someone else.

How to Treat Trichomonas

Trichomonas Vaginitis is treated with an anti-protozoan antibiotic. Metronidazole, aka Flagyl, is considered the most effective treatment and can be taken orally. In most cases a one-time dose is all that is needed.

Sexual partners of women with Trichomonas Vaginitis should be treated simultaneously so that the couple doesn’t pass the condition back and forth. In very few cases, trichomonas may resist the usual doses of metronidazole. Therefore higher doses are needed.

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