Fosamax Plus D: A Brief Drug Review

A special warning was released by the FDA on antidepressants such as Zoloft because of the results of studies done on the drugs. Taking of antidepressant medications especially in children and young adolescents may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and ideations as per the Archives of General Psychiatry. Although no suicide attempts were made, the increase in suicide thoughts and ideations among the pediatric patients who were part of the study was observed. The result and other studies similar to this are touted as controversial as some in the medical community continues to reject the presented facts. Even though the FDA required a special warning to be placed on the labels, the organization is not prohibiting the use of the medications in children and young adolescents. To immediately discontinue the medication because of the mentioned side effect is not an option because serious reactions including recently reviewed link between Fosamax and esophageal cancer may happen.

Suicide Ideations

Suicidal ideation means you are thinking of ending your life. Plainly, it means that you are thinking of dying by doing it yourself. Generally, this is the term used when a person wants to commit suicide and that includes the ways on how to do it. This is often a sign of major depression and/or bipolar disorder. When a person expresses a wish to die, this should not be taken for granted. Suicide ideations are classified into two which are the following:

  • Active
    The person has a definite plan on how to perform the act.
  • Passive
    The individual has expressed the desire to commit suicide but no plan has been made.

Suicidal ideation is also referred to as the sufferer’s call for help. If you know an individual with suicidal ideations, it would be ideal to take him/her to medical professionals who can help provided if you don’t know how to deal with the given situation. By paying attention to a person in this situation, you might have actually saved a life.

Treatment for Suicide Ideations

If a person suffers from major depression or any case of mental illness, it would be ideal to bring him/her in a medical facility. If the case is severe, admission to a medical facility is necessary and generally, antidepressants like Zoloft is given. Your physician will not prescribe you with a medication without considering the risks and benefits because side effects like Fosamax lawsuit can be very harmful to pregnant women and those of child bearing age. Since Zoloft may also increase the risk of suicide ideations in children, an alternative treatment option may be considered.

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