Acne is a skin condition that is caused by accumulation of excess subcutaneous sebum oil along with dirt in the skin pores. The pores gradually get clogged and then get infected by bacteria. This leads to acne that gradually turn into sores and pus forms as the acne gets progressively more severe. It is recommended that treatment of acne be started early before the clogged pores turn into pimples and then into wounds in extreme cases.
The biggest problem is scars remaining on the skin after treatment has begun and the pimples and wounds start healing and drying up. The biggest follow up treatment in the recovery stage is acne scar removal. Acne scars result in pulling of the skin near the scars, loss of subcutaneous tissue and pigmentation of the skin. There are several types of treatment for acne scar removal that involve advanced functional laser treatment, use of chemical peels, skin needling, the botox process, facial cupping, intense pulsed light, dermabrasion and surgery with incision. People with acne scars need to consider the most suitable of these processes in consultation with dermatologists. Along with these processes, patients need to eat select foods and clean their skin regularly. There are several types of acne creams that reduce the scars by stimulating the growth of new skin in the area around the scars and gradually reduce their intensity. People, especially beauty conscious men and women, take a lot of pains to eliminate acne scars.
Safety concerns
There are a lot of safety issues in the treatment for acne scar removal. Though the process of acne removal is a post recovery treatment, safety during the treatment is of utmost importance. Unless performed in a clean environment, the different needle and laser treatments can cause renewed infection in the skin and cause other skin diseases and infections unless conducted in a clean and sanitized environment and in the hands of certified and qualified dermatologists and nurses.
People going in for advanced treatment for acne scar removal need to do a thorough check on the centre doing this treatment. Acne treatment centres in Dubai is done in spas, health care centres and in the clinics of reputed dermatologists. Referrals are available on the internet and patients need to do background checks on the centres and the staff running the centres. People should avoid centres that are not clean and where there are cases of poor treatment.
The biggest safety concern is of people undergoing the treatment who need to maintain a high level of personal cleanliness and hygiene during the recuperation process and keep their skin and bodies clean. Acne scar removal needs a lot of post procedural care so that acne does not begin to form again. The objective is not just to remove acne scars but to prevent dirt from accumulating in skin pores once again.
A prominent safety concern of people undergoing treatment for acne scar removal is the need to avoid overexposure to sunlight before, during and after the treatment. Sunburn is to be avoided. Swimming in the sea or in public swimming pools should be avoided while the treatment is in progress.
Additional safety measures include consuming oral antibiotics that reduce further infection and reduce the inflammation caused by acne. Antibiotics such as erythromycin, Differin, sulfacetemide and azelaic acid reduce bacterial infection and gradually reduce inflammation.
One of the biggest safety concerns is when people try do it yourself methods to avoid going back to a therapeutic centre to remove acne scars. Trying to remove dead skin around a scar by hand or with blades can be fatal and can lead to renewed infection in the skin. It is best to go in for treatment recommended by dermatologists and not do further damage by trying to do some of the procedures personally with an inexperienced hand.
Exercise and a balanced diet are necessary ingredients to keep the skin healthy and glowing. There are foods that are good for the skin and these should be consumed on a regular basis. There are specific exercises that stretch and tone the skin. Advice from dermatologists on the right type of exercise should be taken for the best skin care.
A safety concern with skin is the tendency of most people to keep touching areas of the skin where there are blemishes or pimples. Dirt and bacteria from the hands lead to more infection and promote bacterial infection in skin pores. People need to develop a habit of avoiding frequent touching of sensitive parts of the skin, especially with hands that are not always clean. Picking of dried skin and pimples with nails should be avoided. There is often a large concentration of dirt under the nails and they can infect small wounds made in the skin and these infections can cause fresh acne and skin problems in spite of the best precautions and care.
Dry skin leads to all kinds of problems and the skin needs to be hydrated regularly. This turns into a catch 22 situation. Neglecting regular hydrating of the skin causes more sebum oil to be secreted and this in turn leads to clogging of skin pores all over again. Hence, a safety concern is to never forget hydrating the skin regularly and using moisturizing creams regularly.
A safety concern that also needs to be mentioned while analyzing all the safety concerns during the period of acne scar removal is regular exfoliating of the skin. This procedure needs to be done regularly in order to keep skin pores healthy and ensuring that they do not get clogged. The process of exfoliation removes dead cells from the skin pores and allows nutrients to penetrate the pores and do a thorough cleansing job.
Cleaning up There are a lot of safety issues that need to be taken care of to repair the skin after recovering from acne. The safety issues listed need to be followed and taken care of to not only ensure that scars are removed but further acne can be reduced and eliminated altogether.