Getting your period is a natural part of a woman’s life. However, there are period myths surrounding menstruation that can be quite confusing and even scary for many women. In this article, we will discuss some menstruation facts every beginner needs to know. Hopefully, this can help you understand the process better so that you can have a stress-free cycle.
Many people believe that menstrual bleeding is just blood coming out from your body. While it is true that blood comes out during menstruation, it is also made up of other things such as tissues, hormones, and minerals.
- Menstruation is not only about blood loss.
In addition, the entire menstrual cycle consists of three phases: The follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. During the follicular phase, the egg matures in the ovary. Then at the time of ovulation, the egg gets released into the fallopian tube where fertilization occurs.
If fertilization does not happen, then the egg remains inside the ovary until the end of the luteal phase which results in the shedding of the lining of the uterus. This happens when the uterine lining sheds and is replaced by new tissue. When the lining is shed, the uterine wall becomes thin and weak. As a result, the uterine cavity becomes larger and allows more space for menstrual flow.
- It’s normal to experience certain symptoms before your period starts.
For some women, they may feel bloated or have cramps even before their periods start. If you notice any discomfort before your period starts, then you could be experiencing premenstrual syndrome symptoms. PMS is a condition that affects approximately 50% of all women during their reproductive years. There are different ways that PMS symptoms can manifest as well. Some common symptoms include mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, headaches, and fatigue.
There are different types of periods. Some women have irregular periods while others have very predictable cycles. Irregularity happens due to hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, breastfeeding, diet changes, medications, and more.
- Your cycle can sometimes vary.
When you start having your periods, it’s best to track them on a calendar. With time, you’ll get used to what your usual cycle is like. This information can be helpful when planning for future pregnancies. It can also be handy for medical purposes.
- Periods can affect your skin.
Your skin changes throughout your menstrual cycle due to hormonal fluctuations. For example, you may experience having sensitive skin during your fertile window. You might also experience breakouts during certain times of your cycle. Being aware of how periods can affect your skin will make it easier for you to manage your skin care routine so that you can keep your skin calm and healthy.
- A healthy diet can help improve your menstrual health.
Eating a balanced diet can help you have better menstrual health. While it’s tempting to eat junk food during your period, try eating food that’s rich in different nutrients. When you’re on your period, it’s also important to eat foods that are high in iron because they can help replace the blood you lose during menstruation. Foods with high amounts of iron include red meat, liver, legumes, and dark green leafy vegetables.
- Women who exercise regularly tend to have fewer problems with their periods.
It can be challenging to move your body when you’re bleeding, but there have been studies that show exercising can actually reduce the amount of bleeding and ease some of the discomfort associated with your period. Try walking, yoga, or some easy cardio workouts. These activities can help strengthen your muscles and increase circulation. You can also make sure to drink plenty of water while you work out so that you don’t dehydrate.
- There are a variety of period products out there.
You may think that pads and tampons are the only types of products available for your period needs. But, there are other options as well. Products like pantyliners, menstrual cups, and reusable pads are becoming increasingly popular. Depending on your comfort level when it comes to using these products, you may want to look into them further. For example, those who want to be more environmentally friendly may prefer cloth pads and liners over disposable ones.
- Periods will be different for everyone.
If there’s one thing you should know about menstruation as a beginner, it’s that it’s different for everyone. What your mom, sister, or friend experiences may not be exactly like yours. The way your body reacts to hormones can vary from person to person. This means that you may not always feel the same things during your periods.
Your symptoms may change over time as well. So, if you notice something new happening during your periods, pay attention to it. And if you’re experiencing any unusual symptoms, it’s best to talk to your doctor. That way they can determine what is causing your issues.